A Trademark refers to signs or symbols capable of distinguishing one’s goods or products from another. It could be a powerful marketing tool that will help the public identify your goods or services from your competitors. Trademark rights gives the owner the exclusive right to use it or license another to use it, for profit. Trademark rights also confers to the owner the right to prevent others from using similar or identical signs for similar goods or services as to avoid confusion, among others. Trademark rights are conferred by registration and registration can either be pursued in the national/local level or in the international level. In the national or local level, applications are filed at the national or local trademark office while in the international level, you can either file your applications at the national office of the country you wish to seek registration or thru the World Intellectual Property Organization’s (WIPO) Madrid System that provides for a single application/procedure for trademark registration covering several member territories.
  • Trademark Search
  • Trademark Registration – national phase (under the Paris Convention) and international phase (thru the Madrid Protocol)
  • Response to Office Action
  • Trademark Maintenance
  • Domain Name registration, maintenance, transactions Licensing

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