A patent search is an important tool, not only to capture and create innovation but also to avoid being sued for infringement.

A novelty prior art search would make one understand the patentability or degree of patentability of an invention providing valuable information as the area of strength of the invention and accordingly draft claims that do not infringe other patents or fall in the prior art.

Searching however is a tedious process best left to a skilled and experienced IP professional.

A skilled professional understands the importance of the claims of the patents being searched in order to evaluate the similarities and differences between the invention, the prior art and the other patents.

Patent searching may also reveal who are the companies keen on obtaining patents within the field of technology where you seek patent protection and thus identify whom to secure your freedom to operate (FTO) from as the case may be or approach to for possible licensing agreements.

Moreover, patent searching may also reveal data necessary for invalidating certain patents infringing your own.

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